Everything You Need to Know on Air Conditioning Repair and Heating Services

February 17, 2023

The best way to prevent a breakdown of your air conditioning system is by regularly scheduling HVAC inspections and tune-ups. It will keep minor issues from becoming big problems and potentially cost you thousands of dollars to repair.

However, if you’re not a DIYer and need more time to perform these tasks, consider calling for an air conditioning repair service instead. It will give you a better idea of what’s going on with your AC and allow the repair person to fix it properly.

Heating System

Heating your house consumes the most energy and costs the most money of any system in your home, accounting for around 29% of your utility bill.

No matter what heating system you have in your home, properly maintaining and upgrading your equipment can help you save money and increase your comfort. However, remember that an energy-efficient furnace will influence your energy expenditures differently than a whole-house strategy. Combining optimum insulation, air sealing, and thermostat settings with correct equipment maintenance and improvements, you may save up to 30% on your energy cost while lowering environmental emissions.

Heating equipment must be energy-efficient. Your contractor should be able to provide you with energy data sheets for various types, models, and designs to assist you in comparing energy use. Minimum ratings can be found in the efficiency standards.

Refrigerant Levels

Air conditioners are designed to operate under a specific refrigerant charge. If you have a system that doesn’t reach this charge, it will not function effectively and can cause problems.

A low refrigerant level is a serious issue that needs to be addressed.

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When refrigerant cannot absorb heat, your AC will begin to work inefficiently and eventually become damaged.

The only way to fix your low refrigerant levels is to look for the leak, evacuate the remaining refrigerant, repair the leak, and then add the right amount of refrigerant.


The thermostat is a vital component of your air conditioner’s operation. Without it, the system can’t send instructions to its parts.

If your thermostat isn’t working correctly, it can cause a wide range of problems for your AC. For example, it could cause it to run too long or too short, leading to higher energy bills.

Thermostats can also malfunction due to several installation issues. For example, if the thermostat is placed next to direct sunlight or in a room that gets cold drafts, it won’t be able to get accurate temperature readings.

Condenser Fan

Your condenser fan is a crucial part of your HVAC system. It helps to transfer heat from the refrigerant system into the outdoor air, which keeps your compressor cool and running efficiently.

If your condenser fan starts making a strange noise, there are several possible causes. First, it could be the motor itself.

A rattling sound means the fan is getting old and may need to be replaced. It also indicates the motor is overheating, which can cause it to cut out.

Evaporator Coil

The evaporator coil is a part of your HVAC system that removes heat from the air. It is made up of copper or steel tubes that conduct heat efficiently.

A refrigerant flows through these tubes to absorb the heat from the air passing through the evaporator coil and carry it outdoors. Then, the refrigerant evaporates and becomes a gas.

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A combination of condensation and chemicals in household air can cause tiny pinhole leaks on the evaporator coil, which may need to be repaired or replaced. The coil can also freeze if it’s too dirty. It can negatively affect the entire AC unit’s ability to cool your home and could result in a broken unit.


The compressor is one of the essential components of your AC system. It is responsible for pumping cool air into your home and can often prematurely fail unless you don’t perform regular maintenance.

The good news is that these issues can be easily prevented with regular service and preventative care.

Besides ensuring proper refrigerant levels, your technician may also want to flush your system of contaminants that can build up and eventually cause internal failure. It will ensure your AC unit continues to function safely and efficiently.

Electrical Connections

The electrical connections of your air conditioning system play a significant role in its performance. These components must work together like a well-oiled machine, from circuit breakers to fuses.

The best way to tell if your electrical system needs attention is to get it checked out by an expert. It will help ensure your system is running efficiently and effectively.