The Benefits of Installing High-Security Locks on Your Property

June 15, 2023

High-security locks are designed with one thing in mind – keeping you safe. They are resistant to lock picking, bumping, and drilling.

They also feature patented keyways that prevent duplicate keys from being produced without your consent. This reduces the need for replacement locks and saves businesses substantial money in the long run.

Increased Security

High-security locks offer multiple benefits for both homes and businesses. They are challenging to break into and have a unique design that makes them immune to lock picking, bumping, or drilling.

They also feature patented keyways to prevent key duplication and can be customized to business needs. This allows owners to track serial keys and monitor critical holders, which helps reduce theft-related organizational losses.

It is important to note that while residential locksmith company Orlando provides some protection, home security is more effective. This is because perpetrators usually enter a home through other means, such as windows, sliding doors, or open back doors. However, they may be worth the investment for commercial properties.

Increased Home Value

It is well-known that installing an innovative lock system on your property can help you save money on your home insurance. Insurance companies are more willing to offer a lower premium if the property is less at risk of damage from fires, floods, and gas leaks.

High-security locks are designed to make it difficult for burglars to break in by using methods such as picking, bumping, and drilling. This is because they often contain little to no plastic, have patented keyways, and have extra long deadbolts.

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In addition, they also come with a wide range of options, such as remote access for visitors so you can see who is at the door before allowing them entry. This can be a handy feature for elderly or vulnerable people who may be at risk of distraction burglaries.

Reduced Chances of Break-Ins

Although locks are one of the lowest probability of compromised elements during a break-in, they’re still a concern for many homeowners. High-security locks help reduce the likelihood of burglary by taking home security to the next level. They’re designed to resist standard methods of breaking in, including picking, drilling, and lock bumping.

These locks also feature patented keyways that limit the production of copies to prevent unauthorized duplication. This is helpful for businesses as it allows them to know which keys belong to specific doors and who uses them, improving management and access control.

These locks are most commonly used in business settings but can also be installed at homes. They’re a great option for doors leading to rooms where valuables are stored, home offices, and other private areas.

Reduced Chances of Losing Valuables

High-security locks offer more protection for your belongings than regular locks. They are often made from more complex materials and may be more difficult to manipulate through lock picking or bumping. This can deter burglars from breaking into your property and prevent them from stealing valuable items.

In addition, many high-security locks have patented keyways and key control that prevent keys from duplicating on the open market. This helps to reduce the cost of replacing locks due to theft and misplacement.

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The answer to the question of whether high-security locks are worth it depends on what you are protecting. The increased security is worth the extra price if you secure your family’s possessions. For commercial properties, high-security locks can reduce equipment replacement costs and downtime caused by break-ins.

Reduced Chances of Burglary

Typically, high-security locks have metal components that are much thicker and stronger than traditional locks. Many also feature anti-theft measures. This makes them very difficult to break into. They are designed to stand up to ramming, kicking, and even sledgehammer attacks.

Additionally, they have patented keyways that prevent unauthorized duplication. This can only stop former employees or members from copying keys with the owner’s approval.

This can help reduce the chance of burglary in businesses, which helps save money and resources related to theft. Moreover, it can also help eliminate the need to replace lost locks and minimize the risks of losing valuable assets. High-security locks can be re-keyed or re-tracked remotely, saving business owners time and money.